How the BFU works

Introducing the BFU

The Swiss Council for Accident Prevention BFU has been committed to safety in road traffic, sports, leisure pursuits and the home for over 80 years. Under its umbrella, 130 members of staff are dedicated to accident prevention day in, day out.

At a glance

  • The BFU is an independent foundation with a legal mandate for accident prevention.
  • It is funded by a surcharge on the statutory non-occupational accident insurance premium.
  • The organisation chart is structured by areas of expertise and core competences.

Politically independent with a legal mandate

The BFU is a private foundation with a statutory mandate to prevent accidents by raising awareness and promoting general safety precautions. As a specialist body, the BFU is wholly committed to safety and acts independently of individual political and economic agendas. The BFU’s activities are primarily funded through a surcharge, determined by the Federal Council, on statutory non-occupational accident premiums. Additional funding comes from the Road Safety Fund and self-generated income.

Acting with foresight: The Executive Board

The Executive Board is the highest governing body at an operational level and represents the BFU externally. It is headed by Dr. Stefan Siegrist; the other members are responsible for the BFU’s five main areas of activity.  

  • Stefan Siegrist, Dr. phil., EMBA, Managing Director
  • Mario Cavegn, lic. phil., Head of Road Traffic
  • Othmar Brügger, Head of Home and Sport
  • Annick Rywalski, Head of Municipalities and Companies, Deputy Managing Director
  • Jürg Beutler, lic. phil. I, Head of Communications
  • Kurt Fellinger, Business Economist FH, Head of Finances and Support

From left to right: Kurt Fellinger, Mario Cavegn, Stefan Siegrist, Jürg Beutler, Annick Rywalski, Othmar Brügger

Setting the course: The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the BFU’s strategic organ. It comprises 9 members who represent the various demands made on accident prevention.


Felix Weber, lic. oec. HSG, Chairman of the Management Board, Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (Suva), Lucerne; representing Suva

Vice Chairman

Christoph Bühler, Head of Personal Insurance, Member of the Management Board, Zürich Insurance Company Ltd; representing the Swiss Insurance Association (SIA)


  • Samuel Grossenbacher, Head of Market, Centre, Die Mobiliar, Bern; representing the Swiss Insurance Association (SIA)
  • Philippe Gassmann, Head of Prevention Services; representing Suva
  • Irène Hänsli, Specialist for Accident Insurance and Sickness Benefits, (SIA) representing the Swiss Insurance Association (SIA)
  • Charles-Albert Hediger, Entrepreneur, representing SUVA
  • Martina Keller, Head of Customer Operations Group Personal Insurance, AXA, representative of other insurers
  • Marc Lambert, Head of the Corporate Health sector, Sub-director, Groupe Mutuel, representing the Swiss Insurance Association (SIA)
  • Edith Müller Loretz, Head of Health Protection and Member of the Management Board, Suva; representing Suva
  • Christine Michel, Specialist Secretary for Health Protection, Unia; representing Suva
  • Pascal Richoz, Head of Working Conditions Division, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO); representing Suva

Organisation chart: working hand in hand for safety

The BFU has a committed, highly skilled team of specialists with over 130 members of staff. Most of them work at the foundation’s headquarters in Berne. The organisation chart concentrates this expertise, thus enabling an efficient and effective work environment.